Municipal and subsidiary statutes
By the grace of God and our Savior, Jesus Christ, the members of the Immanuel Bible Church determine and establish the following paragraphs as guidelines for the operation of this church for the glory of God.
Led, as we believe, by the Spirit of God, to accept the Lord Jesus Christ as our Savior, and baptized in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit by the profession of our faith, we now conclude with one another most solemnly and joyfully in the present God and this community enter into this agreement as a local manifestation of the Body of Christ.
We therefore undertake, with the help of the Holy Spirit, to pray for one another, to walk together in Christian love, to strive for the further development of this community in knowledge, holiness and grace; to promote their prosperity and spirituality; to observe their worship, ordinances, discipline and teachings; to contribute cheerfully and regularly in supporting the ministry, in the expenses of the church, in the care of the poor, and in the spread of the gospel to all nations.
We will also strive to cultivate family devotions and personal quiet time and to teach our children the Christian faith. By cultivating a life of true faith in Jesus Christ, we will strive to fill our minds with all that is true, honorable, just, pure, lovely, and well-sounding.
In our relationships with our fellow human beings, we commit ourselves to walking cautiously and in Christian love. We promise to be polite and kind and to respect other Christians and our fellow human beings, to sympathize with them in their suffering and to rejoice in their successes and victories. We resolve to pursue sincere humility and Christian unity of mind and purpose and an honest effort to forgive and be forgiven.
We further undertake, should we leave this community, to join as soon as possible in another community where we can carry out the spirit of this agreement and the truth and principles of the Word of God.
Paragraph 1: Name and location
The name of this congregation shall be known as Immanuel Bible Congregation, which was incorporated as an association on April 8, 2001. The municipality is located in Vienna, Austria.
Paragraph 2: Affiliation
This congregation is not affiliated with any other particular church or religious organization. This local congregation shall be autonomous and self-governing in all material and spiritual matters, but shall recognize and maintain mutual cooperation with other local communities and organizations of the same faith and practice.
Paragraph 3: Objectives
1. To worship and glorify God.
2. To present Jesus Christ in the power of the Holy Spirit so that people may have the opportunity to begin a personal relationship with Him.
3. To provide spiritual, physical, mental, emotional and financial support, both to this local community and to other Christian ministries outside the local community at home and abroad.
4. To provide opportunities for Christian fellowship and service within the body of believers.
Paragraph 4: Creed
Paragraph 1: The Triune God
We believe that there is one God (Deuteronomy 6:4) who created everything, visible and invisible. Through His creation He has revealed Himself to all people. Through His only begotten Son Jesus Christ, He reveals Himself to us as Father (Col. 1:15; John 1:14; Jude 25). Christ has given us His Holy Spirit.
We believe that the entire Bible testifies that these three persons of God - the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit - are one (Mark 4:11; Rom. 16:25; Col. 1:26).
We believe that the Father, Son and Holy Spirit are one in essence. The Bible shows clear differences between them and that they are three different revelations of the only, true and living God. That's why we adhere to the biblical teaching of the "Trinity" (Matt. 28:19; Luke 3:22).
We believe that Jesus is both fully human and fully God (Phil. 2:5-8; Heb. 4:15). He is "the image of the invisible God" (Col. 1:15) and so worship, praise and honor belong to God the Father and God the Son alone (John 5:23-24).
Paragraph 2: Salvation
We believe that Jesus was born of a virgin - as God promised through the prophet Isaiah (Isa. 7:14; Luke 1:35; Matt. 1:18; John 1:14).
We believe that Jesus fulfilled all the requirements of God's law. He was tempted in all things as we are, but He did not sin (Matt. 3:15; 5:17; Heb. 4:15). We are separated from God by our sins and guilt, therefore there is no true fellowship with God (Eph. 2:12).
We believe the Bible teaches that those who reject the Son (Jesus) also reject the Father who sent Him (Luke 10:16). Anyone who rejects the Son rejects the forgiveness of their sins. We believe that Jesus suffered a terrible, cruel death on the cross. Through His death, He was the sacrificial Lamb of God who took away “the sin of the world” (John 1:29). He suffered in our place.
We believe that Jesus rose from the dead on the third day and was victorious over hell, death and Satan. Therefore God has highly exalted Him and given Him the name that is above every name, so that there is salvation in no other name (Philippians 2:9-11; Acts 4:12). The Bible says that the Lord keeps his children safe through faith (1 Peter 1:3-5). Therefore, we believe that those who are truly born again cannot perish (John 10:27-30; Rom. 8:28-30)
We believe that salvation is a free gift from God in His grace, but this gift is not cheap because it cost God His only Son (John 3:16; Eph. 2:18; 1 John 1:9) .
We believe that God does not want to condemn anyone to hell and has no pleasure in the death of the lawless, but wants all to repent and live (Ezek. 18:23; 2 Pet. 3:9).
We believe that one is saved solely by trusting in the all-sufficient work of Jesus Christ on the cross (believing in Him and accepting Him as Savior), and if this faith is genuine, it will produce a change of heart (repentance of sin). Sin means anything that is not pleasing to the holy God. This change of mind brings a complete reorientation of the whole life in works and deeds (Acts 2:37-38; Matt. 3:8; Jas. 2:14, 26).
We believe that repentance is good evidence of genuine faith that leads to eternal life (Luke 13:1-5).
We believe that Jesus appeared to more than 500 eyewitnesses. Then He ascended to heaven. He sits at the right hand of the Father, interceding for His elect, or in other words, for all who believe in Him (1 Cor. 15:6; Mark 16:9; Heb. 7:25).
Paragraph 3: The work of the Holy Spirit
We believe that Jesus, according to His promise, sent the Holy Spirit to convict the world of its sin and to empower true believers to be good and faithful witnesses for the glory of God (John 16:8; Luke 24:29; Isa . 43:10; Acts 1:8; 2:1-4).
We firmly believe that with the end of the apostolic era, “speaking in tongues” also ceased. We firmly believe that it is wrong to teach believers to wait for and seek the baptism of the Holy Spirit. The Bible clearly teaches that all believers have been baptized with the Holy Spirit into the body of Christ (1 Cor. 12:13) and that those who do not have the Spirit of Christ do not belong to Him at all (Rom. 8:9b). .
We firmly believe that the false teachings of the charismatic movement have obscured many true and blessed teachings of the work of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit convicts the world of sin (John 16:8-11), represents the believer in prayer to the Father (Rom. 8:26-27); comforts, teaches and guides believers in the truth of the Word (John 14:15-26; 16:7,13); and we have been "sealed with Him[…]for the day of redemption" (Eph. 4:30). The Holy Spirit has a blessed and important ministry in the life of every believer and we must not neglect, minimize or distort this wonderful ministry. The Holy Spirit uses the written Word that He gave through the apostles and prophets to guide us into all truth. The Holy Spirit will never lead us to do or say anything that contradicts the Bible, God's holy, infallible, eternal Word (2 Tim. 3:16).
We believe that the current charismatic movement is a dangerously confusing movement that should be avoided with its emphasis on speaking in tongues, physical healing, and individual miracles, prophecy, and placing one's emotions and experiences over the teachings of Scripture.
Paragraph 4: The Life of the Believer and the Church
We believe that Jesus did not come primarily to give us a happy, healthy and carefree life on earth, but that He died so that we would be free from the power of sin, circumstances, hell and death (Matthew 25 ,32; 1 Cor. 15:55-57).
We believe that the church of believers has been given to us so that we can achieve personal spiritual maturity (Eph. 4:11-13).
We believe that God has appointed a specific time for the rapture of His church and His Spirit from the earth (1 Thess. 4:16-17; 1 Cor. 15:51-53). That's why God's Word says, "Today, if you hear his voice, do not harden your hearts." "Now is the day of salvation." (Ps. 95:7-8; Heb. 4:7; 2 Cor. 6:2).
We believe that Christ has given His church two ordinances and that they are symbolic, not sacramental: the baptism of believers (by immersion) and the Lord's Supper (Matt. 28:18-20; Rom. 6:4; 1. Cor. 11:17-34).
Paragraph 5: The Last Things
We believe that Jesus Christ will visibly return to the earth "with great power and glory" and His saints (Matt. 24:27-30; 1 Thess. 3:13). This time He is not coming around the world to save, but to judge the world to the glory of His Father, and to avenge the blood of all those "slain for the word of God and for the testimony" (Rev. 6:9-10; 14:11 ; 17:14; 19:11-16; 20:14-15; 21:8).
Paragraph 6: The Bible
We believe that the 66 books of Scripture are verbally inspired by God and are "profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, [and] for instruction in righteousness" (2 Tim. 3:16-17; Ps. 119 ,11; 2 Peter 1:20-21).
Paragraph 7: Separation
We believe that Scripture teaches the people of God to be holy and set apart from all harmful influences, including sin, disobedient brothers and sisters, and false teachers. We therefore urge every member of the Immanuel Bible Church to abstain from every questionable matter, to abstain from even the appearance of evil in religion, dress, conversation, conversation, occupation, habits, etc., according to the teachings of the Word of God ( Romans 12:1-2; 2 Cor. 6:14-18; Eph. 4:1-32; James 4:4; 1 John 2:15-16).
To promote an atmosphere of worship that emphasizes the character of God rather than the sinful nature of man, we maintain a high standard of music in our services and community activities. We distance ourselves from all forms of music that carry characteristics and associations that violate godliness and piety. Rock music (promoting rebellion, drugs and sexual promiscuity) in all its forms and instruments, which is represented in the rock & Roll culture is not used in our worship services and is also discouraged in our personal lives, which now belong to Christ.
Paragraph 8: Baptist Principles
We agree with the six Baptist principles:
1. The Bible has ultimate authority for teaching and practice. There are no additional authoritative confessions beyond this. We reject special revelations.
2. Community of believers. According to the New Testament, the church of Jesus Christ consists of those who believe in Christ. The church includes people who have accepted the Word of God and confessed Jesus Christ as their Lord and personal Savior.
3. Baptism of faith. Because the church consists only of believers, only believers are baptized. We believe the following order from the New Testament is correct: 1) hearing the gospel, 2) coming to faith in Christ, 3) dedicating oneself to Jesus Christ, 4) baptism, 5) being added to the church.
4. The autonomy of the local community. Each community must manage its own affairs responsibly before God. Every local congregation must take seriously the fulfillment of Christ's Great Commission to care for people and spread the message of the gospel. The municipality is responsible for recruiting its employees and financing its budget.
5. The general priesthood of believers. God has called very different people to belong to His people. Each individual is equipped by God with gifts that are brought into the church. Every member of the community has the same right to vote. There is no hierarchy.
6. Separation of church and state. Baptists form congregations that are independent of the state. They do not allow church tax to be collected. They stand up for freedom of belief and conscience and are committed to human rights.
Paragraph 5: Membership
1). Every person who professes faith in Christ as personal Savior
2). whose lives show regeneration,
3). who was baptized by immersion,
4). shows a desire to become a member,
5). participates in a membership course (the scope of the course requirements will be determined in a discussion with the pastor and/or deacons),
6). is willing to submit to the government's process as set out in the municipal charter,
7). joins the creed,
8th). strives to develop a lifestyle that is consistent with the municipal statutes,
9). and shares their testimony with the pastor/deacons will be eligible to be a candidate for membership.
Paragraph 6: Service
1. Everyone who teaches in this church in any capacity must be a church member and a faithful participant.
2. Anyone who sings or plays an instrument as a soloist or in a community leading ensemble or choir must be a member of the community and faithful in participation and preparation.
3. Guest speakers, teachers and musicians must agree to the Confession of Faith before they can attend special meetings and receive invitations to worship with us.
Paragraph 7: Authority and Direction
1. Because we believe that the Bible is the Holy Word of God, verbally inspired and entirely without error in all that it proclaims, it is the supreme and final authority for the faith and practice of the individual and the church as a whole.
2. The leadership of this community should be entrusted to the leaders duly elected from among the members and exercised by them. These leaders should be biblically qualified pastors (1 Tim. 3:1-7; Titus 1:5-9) and deacons. Deacons (1 Tim. 3:8-13; Acts 6:1-6) are to be elected by members to assist pastors in serving the congregation in all matters of faith and practice. The duties and responsibilities of pastors and deacons, the method of their choice, the term of service, and the frequency of meetings should be consistent with the bylaws.
3. The supervision of this congregation is given to the pastors and deacons elected by the congregation, who in turn are responsible to the congregation to determine God's will and to lead the congregation to obey His will.
Paragraph 8: Amendments
Any paragraph or paragraph of this municipal charter may be amended, in accordance with the accompanying bylaws, by a two-thirds vote of those entitled to vote present at any regularly called business meeting. Written notice of such change must be given to members at least two Sundays before the meeting. An exact copy of the proposed amendment shall be publicly displayed in the church hall during these two Sundays. The proposed amendment(s) may be modified and adopted at the same meeting.
Paragraph 9: Resolution
Should it ever become necessary to dissolve this church, no portion of the net income of the church shall ever go to any donor, member or leader of the church, nor shall any private individual be entitled to a share of any church property. Upon dissolution of the municipality, after the debts and obligations of the municipality have been paid or adequately discharged, the remaining assets of the municipality must be allocated to an organization or agency that reflects the goals and objectives of that municipality as stated in our municipal charter and bylaws.
Paragraph 10: Priority of this municipal statute
As of the following date (January 28, 2008), this amended congregational statute shall take precedence over any prior congregational statute and creed adopted by this local congregation. Every previous congregational statute and creed adopted by this local congregation shall be invalid and void, and this congregational statute shall henceforth constitute the only official congregational statute of this local congregation.
Paragraph 1: Membership
Paragraph 1: Goal of membership
The purpose of membership is to ensure this local church a means of protection against the intrusion of heresy, the world, the flesh and the devil. It is necessary to determine who may exercise the privilege of voting, holding leadership positions in the leadership and service of the local church, and participating in other activities as specified in paragraph 1, paragraph 3 of these bylaws.
Paragraph 2: Admission of members
(a) In accordance with the requirements described in paragraph 5 of the statutes of this local church, the admission of members takes place through the endorsement of the pastors and the vote of the members as follows
(1) Candidates for membership should conduct an interview with the pastors, who should hear their testimony of faith in Christ, obedience in baptism, and agreement with the agreement and confession of faith in the church statutes. The pastors should then impose any restrictions they may deem appropriate in the best interests of the candidate and the congregation. Recommended by the pastors, the candidate should then be recommended to the members for approval or rejection by a majority vote.
(2) Candidates can be accepted by a transfer letter from another congregation of the same faith and practice after an interview with the pastors.
(3) Candidates may also be recommended for membership through the restoration process. Candidates whose membership has previously been terminated for disciplinary reasons may, following admission and remorse of their wrongdoing, and through the normal process of new membership as described in paragraph 1, paragraph 2(a)(1) of these Bylaws, be eligible for membership as Member to be restored.
(4) Dissolved memberships may apply for reinstatement through the process described in paragraph 1, paragraph 2(a)(1) of these bylaws.
(5) Candidates may be required to take part in a membership course in which the member candidates are to be informed about the nature and processes of the municipal statutes and the subsidiary statutes of this municipality. The overall scope and length of the course will be determined in a discussion with the pastor(s) and should be completed prior to acceptance into membership of this local congregation.
(b) Transferees to Vienna who need a community for a period not exceeding four years can apply for membership as a partial member. The same requirements set forth in paragraph 1, paragraph 2(a)(1) also apply to candidates seeking partial membership. The consequences are membership privileges in ministry and pastoral care without dissolving the church relationship in their hometown. This alternative is only available to those who are in Vienna for a temporary position (work, study, etc.). Partial members have no voting rights in the community.
Paragraph 3: Obligations of a Member
(a) To live in a manner worthy of the gospel of their Lord and Savior Jesus Christ (Phil. 1:27 / 2 Cor. 7:1 / 1 Pet. 1:17-19 / Rom. 6:3-14) as set out in the agreement (listed in the municipal statutes).
(b) To honor, pray for and serve with the pastor(s) and deacons, submitting to the biblical exercise of their spiritual supervision and the attendant attention to their responsibilities and to become aware of accountability before God (Hebrews 13:17).
(c) Faithfully attending church (Heb 10:25), faithfully engaging in the work of ministries through the prayerful use of spiritual gifts (Eph. 4:15-16), and regularly and cheerfully as God permits to share in the needs of the ministries of this community.
(d) To maintain and support the municipal charter and bylaws of this local church.
(e) Voting and executing office shall be restricted to members older than 18 years of age.
(f) A new believer (one year old or less) shall not hold a leadership position in the leadership or ministries of this church (1 Tim. 3:6).
Paragraph 4: Termination of membership
(a) Through death.
(b) By letter. Members may, at their request and with the approval of the pastor(s) and deacon(s), have their membership transferred to the church with which they wish to associate.
(c) By exclusion. Gross misconduct or disregard for this church constitution, creed or covenant and failure to conform to the biblical process of discipline and restoration (Matt. 18:15-18; Gal. 6:1) will result in expulsion from this church pull. The exclusion is carried out on the recommendation of the pastor(s) and by a majority vote of the members.
(d) By moving. Any member who requests a resignation or who consistently remains absent from the fellowship and support of this local church without a valid reason, or who fails to report to the church within a year, may, after prayer, personal care and careful consideration, withdraw from the church Community membership can be removed by the pastor(s).
Paragraph 2: Pastors
With the understanding that the terms pastor, overseer, elder and bishop all refer to the same office, the term pastor was chosen to refer to this office.
Paragraph 1: Function of the senior pastor and assistant pastors
(a) The pastoral role and duties of the pastor(s) are clearly presented in the Bible (1 Tim. 3:1-7 & Titus 1:5-11). The following is a sample list of what the Bible gives as functions and responsibilities to the pastor(s):
(1) Supervise or direct – influence the entire ministry of the local church. The title bishop or overseer implies this (1 Tim. 3:5).
(2) Shepherd - directing the affairs and ministry of the local church under the authority of Christ, the Bible, and the guidance of the Holy Spirit (Heb. 13:17; 1 Pet. 5:5; Acts 20:28; 1 Tim. 5, 17).
(3) Be an example - (1 Peter 5:3).
(4) Leading without dominating the flock - (1 Pet. 5:3).
(5) Shepherding the flock - (Acts 20:28).
(6) Convict false teachers - (Titus 1:9).
(7) Providing the flock with (spiritual) food - (Acts 20:28).
(8) Teach and exhort - (Titus 1:9 cf 1 Tim 3:2 & Heb 13:7).
(9) Example and leader in prayer - (1 Tim. 2:1-8; 1 Thess. 5:17; 1 Pet. 5:3).
(b) The pastor(s) shall lead the administration of the congregation's ordinances as described in Section 4, Paragraph 4 of the Church Bylaws.
(c) The pastor(s) shall meet regularly with the deacons for prayer, planning, coordination, and direction of service to the congregation. Special meetings may be called at any time by the senior pastor or at the request of a majority of the deacons. The pastor(s) and deacons shall annually select from among themselves those who are authorized to sign banking transactions affecting the church's assets.
(d) Parishioners who wish to raise a concern with either the pastor(s) or deacons may do so by contacting a pastor or deacon and making them aware of the issue to be presented and seeking permission to raise it with theirs to put on the agenda for the next meeting.
(e) The senior pastor shall conduct the regular meetings and work with the head of deacons in determining the program. A deacon shall also serve as a secretary, keep records of meetings, and, along with the pastor, conduct all official correspondence of the congregation.
(f) In the event of a vacancy in the position of senior pastor, the assistant pastors and deacons shall form a pastor search committee with other convened members of the congregation.
(g) The primary responsibility of the senior pastor shall be to feed the flock of God in a full-time capacity, impartially exhorting, fervently petitioning, and caring for the saints. This he shall do by counseling, teaching, and preaching the whole counsel of the Word of God. As a leader among the pastors and deacons, he shall focus entirely on the development of spiritual maturity and leadership of the pastors and deacons while meeting with, training, and assisting them in their various pastoral duties. He shall direct the implementation of the community's orders and conduct the weddings and funerals which he agrees to conduct. The inherent primary pastoral responsibilities pertaining to the areas of ministry of the pastors upon which each will focus shall be decided among them.
Paragraph 2: Qualifications of a Pastor
(a) All candidates for the office of pastor or assistant pastor should be men who are active members of this church and meet the qualifications prescribed in the Bible (1 Tim. 3:1-7 & Tit. 1:5-9).
(b) Note paragraph 1, paragraph 3 (d) and paragraph 1, paragraph 3 (e) of these bylaws.
Paragraph 3: The selection and term of office of the pastor and assistant pastors
(a) Pastor
(1) He shall be appointed to his position upon the recommendation of the Pastor Search Committee and by an 80% vote of approval of the community members present at the business meeting called for this purpose. Voting shall be by secret ballot and the candidate shall not be present when the community vote is cast. Upon appointment and acceptance of such appointment by the candidate, he shall automatically become a voting member of both this congregation and the Deacons.
(2) He should hold this office for as long as it is clear to him, the deacons and the congregation that he demonstrates the biblical requirements of an overseer, correctly fulfills the duties of his office and is called by God to this congregation to serve in this capacity.
(3) His salary or allowances of “double honor” (1 Tim. 5:17-18), vacation pay, etc. shall be determined by deacons and approved by the members at the time of his calling. These are to be reviewed annually by the deacons and changes may be made at any regular or special business meeting.
(b) Pastor Search Committee
(1) If there is a vacancy in the office of senior pastor/overseer, the deacons shall appoint representatives from among parishioners who will serve with them as a pastor search committee. The head of deacons shall be the head of this committee and the secretary of deacons shall be the secretary of this committee. The Pastor Search Committee is encouraged to keep their deliberations confidential while also exercising discernment in keeping the congregation informed of their progress.
(2) The pastor search committee should only consider one potential pastor candidate at a time. If the pastor candidate is currently serving in a pastorate, it is required that the candidate both request prayer for his current congregation and inform them that he is being considered for the pastorate of another congregation and that it is his intention to do so , to seek the Lord's will for this consideration (Exceptions to this requirement will be considered on a case-by-case basis.)
(3) The pastor search committee can appoint an interim pastor with the consent of the parishioners.
(4) The duties of the Pastor Search Committee shall be to thoroughly search the field, beginning with this congregation, for men eligible for selection whose belief is to hold all the doctrines contained in the charter of this congregation. The Committee shall thoroughly examine each potential candidate for the qualifications listed in this Bylaw. The potential candidate should spend at least three days in this community and become acquainted with it. He shall teach or preach at least twice, preferably three times or more, and shall have an opportunity to visit and fellowship with that congregation before being proposed to the membership for a vote. The committee shall submit to the congregation the name of only one pastor candidate at a time, and only one whom they unanimously see as a man they can recommend. The committee shall then issue a nod to the candidate if a positive election result of 80% of all ballots cast by community members is achieved.
(5) Following the endorsement of the candidate for Senior Pastor by the parishioners, the Pastor Search Committee shall send a letter in duplicate setting forth the terms of the call and providing space for the signature of both the Pastor Search Committee leader and the pastor candidate . The call is considered legally binding when the promise is received by the future pastor.
(c) Assistant Pastors
(1) They shall be appointed to their office by a three-quarters majority of the voting members present at a business meeting called for this purpose. Voting should take place by secret ballot. They will take office immediately following the meeting at which they were confirmed.
(2) If it is the belief of any member of the congregation that a particular man in the congregation has the biblical qualifications of an assistant pastor or deacon, he/she may present his name to the pastor and deacons for their careful and prayerful consideration and consideration Bring recommendations to community members. If the proposed candidate is a qualified member and consents to his appointment, he will be recommended to the congregation for prayerful consideration at least four weeks before he is put before the membership for a vote.
(3) Recognition for the office of assistant pastor or deacon is not an “appointment for life,” but rather he should hold his office for as long as it appears clear to him, the main pastor, the other deacons and this congregation that he meets the biblical requirements of his office demonstrates that he is properly fulfilling the duties of his office and is called by God to serve this community.
(4) There should be no fixed number of men who can hold this office in the church, but the number of assistant pastors and/or deacons should be as God determines and according to the needs of the church.
(d) Dismissal of Pastors or Deacons
If there is an accusation of sin involving any particular leader, including the senior pastor, at least two witnesses should contact the pastor and/or deacons with the question or accusation with their concern. If the deacons consider the accusation to be valid and the accused refuses to repent after a first and second admonition, the matter will be brought before the entire congregation by the pastor and/or deacons, and if stubbornness prevails, he will be dismissed of the fellowship of that church by a two-thirds vote of the voting members present at a meeting called for that purpose (Matt. 18:15-20; 1 Cor. 5:1-13; 2 Thess. 3, 6; 1 Tim. 5:19-20). Voting should take place by secret ballot. This suspension is intended to terminate the leader's membership and the violations described in 1 Cor. 5:9-13 and 2 Thessalonians. 3:14-15 contain the admonitions found. As stated in the Bible, the goal of these disciplinary measures is to restore individuals to obedience to the gospel of Christ (Gal. 6:1; Jas. 5:19-20).
(e) Resignation of Pastors or Overseers
(1) The pastor may resign at any time and this should be submitted in writing to the head of the deacons. He is required to do it at least sixty days in advance.
(2) The dismissal of the pastor should be submitted in writing to the head of the deacons and should take effect on the date specified on the dismissal.
Paragraph 3: Deacons
Paragraph 1: Function of deacons
(a) As the need becomes apparent to the pastor(s) and/or this congregation, positions requiring appropriate spiritual leadership shall be established. The men who fill these positions are called deacons. Deacons should be responsible in their service to the pastor(s) and the congregation. Deacons may select or appoint biblically qualified men or women from that congregation to serve and assist them in their efforts to fulfill their assigned ministry.
(b) Deacons shall meet regularly for prayer and coordination of ministry as the needs and facilities of the congregation require. They should also meet with the pastor(s) on a regular and timely basis for prayer, planning, coordination, and direction of ministry to the congregation.
(c) The specific functions and job descriptions of a particular deacon ministry should be developed among the pastors and deacons.
(d) Each deacon may select or appoint individuals or a committee from among the men and women of that congregation to assist and advise him in his efforts to fulfill the ministry to which he is called.
Paragraph 2: Qualifications of Deacons
All men who hold the office of deacon should be active members in good standing of this church who meet the qualifications prescribed in the Bible (Acts 6:3; 1 Tim. 3:8-13).
Paragraph 3: Selection and term of office of deacons
(a) The church shall annually select men from among its members to serve in the office of deacon. A recommendation from any parishioner for men to serve in the office of deacon shall be made to the pastor(s) at least four weeks before the annual meeting. After careful and prayerful consideration, if the proposed candidate is a qualified member and consents to his appointment, he shall thereafter be recommended to the congregation for prayerful consideration at least three weeks prior to the annual meeting at which he shall be brought before the members for a vote by secret ballot. If the candidate is confirmed by a three-quarters majority of the voting members present at the Annual General Meeting, he will assume office and become a deacon immediately upon his confirmation. Each deacon is to serve until the next annual meeting (the last Sunday in January).
(b) In the event of a need to elect a deacon during the year, the same process described above will be followed (Section 3, Paragraph 3 (a)), except that the membership vote will be held at a meeting conducted by the pastor(s). en) special meeting called and scheduled will take place.
(c) There shall be no fixed number of men to hold this office in the church, but the number of deacons shall be as God determines and according to the needs of the church.
Paragraph 4: Dismissal and resignation of deacons
(Same process as with the pastors).
Paragraph 4: Organization of the community
The leaders of this church shall be as follows:
Paragraph 1: Board: All pastors and deacons.
Paragraph 2: Head: The Senior Pastor.
Paragraph 3: Deputy Head: The Chairman of the Deacons.
Paragraph 4: Secretary: The secretary of all pastors and deacons.
Paragraph 5: Cashier: A member of the congregation for at least one year who has knowledge of financial management and is elected by a three-quarters majority of the congregation.
Paragraph 5: Meetings
Paragraph 1: For church services
Regular Sunday and weekday meetings shall be held for public worship, prayer, praise and Bible study. As circumstances permit, the ordinance of the Lord's Supper is to be observed on the last Sunday of the month.
Paragraph 2: For special purposes
Special meetings for baptism, prayer, evangelism, Bible study, missionary work, etc. may be held throughout the year.
Paragraph 3: For the annual meeting
An annual meeting is held to conduct the regular affairs of the church, such as confirmation of deacons, budget approval, and other contemporary business matters. This meeting is held on the last Sunday in January. A public notice and/or an announcement on a newsletter should be made (at least) two Sundays in advance with general information about the business transaction.
Paragraph 4: For special matters
(a) Special meetings for business transactions may be called at any time, provided that they are publicly announced and/or listed on a bulletin at least two Sundays in advance with general information about the business transaction. These meetings should be called through the cooperation and planning of the pastor(s) and deacons.
(b) At meetings at which a vote is necessary, 33% of the voting members shall constitute a quorum.
(c) All matters not clearly provided for in these church constitutions shall be settled by both the pastors and deacons with the general consent of the members.
Paragraph 6: Voting consent for various processes:
Type of operations Required consent
Approval of overseers and deacons Three-quarters majority vote
Budget approval Majority of members present
Admission of new members Majority of members present
New Major Services majority of members present
Binding municipal debt majority of members present
Exclusion of disciplined members Majority of members present
Calling a pastor 80% ballot submitted
Buying or selling assets Majority of members present
Changes d. Municipal/subordinate statutes Two-thirds of members present
Termination of a pastor Two-thirds of members present
Paragraph 7: Additional facilities
Paragraph 1: All leaders and teachers of additional agencies, e.g., mission board, webmaster, youth group, adult Bible study, Sunday school, etc., should be members in good standing of this church.
Paragraph 2: If a statute of any additional institution is formulated, it should not conflict with the municipal statutes or the subsidiary statutes of this municipality.
Paragraph 3: Meetings of auxiliary institutions shall not interfere with the meetings of this community and shall be under the supervision of the overseers.
Paragraph 8: Ordination
If a man applies for ordination at any time, this congregation shall decide, by a three-quarters vote of the qualified electors present at a special called meeting, whether a man possesses the biblical qualifications, calling, and training for ordination. A time may be fixed and a council convened to examine such candidate. It is requested that this council consist of the pastors and deacons of this congregation, any other local pastors as agreed by the pastor and deacons of this congregation, and other pastors and deacons from other congregations of the same faith and practice are invited to participate in this advice to attend. Upon receipt of a favorable report from this council, this congregation shall fix a time and place for an ordination service.
Paragraph 9: Amendments to the subsidiary statutes
This by-law may be repealed, amended or amended by a two-thirds majority of qualified voters present at the annual business meeting or any other meeting of the town called for that purpose, provided that the proposed amendments and notice of the meeting are in writing at least two weeks prior the meeting, were presented to this community. No by-law shall be amended or adopted which conflicts with or repeals any provision of the Municipal Charter.